Hello friends and fam, we are happy to unveil our new “Stealth Stand News”, right here! Yes, now you don’t have to be on Facebook to follow our wild adventures (although you should be, because that’s where you can see us “live”, click HERE to like the page).

So take a moment to bookmark this page, because there are all sorts of fun things on the Stealth Stand horizon, and we want you to come along. After all, it’s about Enjoying the Journey, and we have a lot more fun when y’all come along with us!
OK, here’s the latest…
We just got back from the NAMM Show, which we would describe as “the biggest music party on the planet”, and if you havent been, you really oughta go some year (You can see some of our pics of the show HERE). This is the place where all kinds of deals are being made, and you’ll see glammed out rockstars drinking martinis with Chinese guys in business suits, and 53 acres of non-stop music (yes, that’s how large the Anaheim convention center is!)

Did we hook up the deal of a lifetime? Not really, but we met a lot of amazing musical folks and collected a Glad bag of business cards, and… guess what? This is what it’s all about! Last year at NAMM we ran around like a puppy dog and humped everyone’s leg, barking “look at me! Aren’t I cute? Don’t you want me in your life?”. Last year we thought we’d bump into a company that would say “Wow, the Stealth Stand is amaaazing, we want to buy it for ONE GAZILLION DOLLARS! (Oh, and please stop humping my leg)”.
Well, obviously that didn’t happen, or this news article would have been called “Hello from Belize!”. But what we did come away with was the realization that this venture is going to take awhile, that we’ll most likely be traveling around and slinging stands for years to come, while we slowly build the Stealth Fam (of which you are a part!).
So we’re looking at the Long Game now, and that means that every pair of eyeballs that sees the Stealth Stand is one step closer, and so we’re counting on you (yes, you) to get out there and use the heck out of your stand. Bring it to open mic, bring it to your next jam sesh, and tell your grandma she can use it to hold her Kindle so she can read Mists of Avalon hands free (and have a free hand for her Chardonnay).

Remember, you are part of the team now, so… GO TEAM!
What’s next? Well, we’ll be headed to Seattle in mid February for the legendary WIntergrass Festival, which is like a music college for folk and bluegrass music. They feature star studded performances with such acoustic luminaries as Mike Marshall, Tony Furtado, Beppe Gambetta, Darol Anger and much more! That means we’ll get to rub shoulders with these bluegrass Gods, and hopefully (fingers crossed) one of them will want a Stealth Stand… and then we’re off to the races 🙂
If any of y’all are in the Seattle area, please send Braeden a text (530-566-3629) and he’ll be happy to have a pint with ya!
Keep the dial right here, and stay in touch with us…